Monday, February 23, 2009

Photodynamic and Sonodynamic Therapy, Experiences with a Novel Approach

Masters/JNK Papers/ Photodynamic and Sonodynamic Therapy – A Novel Approach
October 2007

Photodynamic and Sonodynamic Therapy, Experiences with a Novel Approach.


I have been asked to write a paper on our experiences and methods and also results, in our use of a novel approach to Photodynamic Therapy. This is something we have been developing for several years, together with two other clinics, Dr X Wang, Chief of Oncology Department, Friendship Hospital, Guangzhou, China and also the Opal Clinic, Melbourne, Australia under the direction of Dr Douglas Mitchell. The reason why all three clinics developed this approach is that we are all faced with late stage cancer patients who have been through all the conventional treatment modalities, and are practically all metastatic cancers. We therefore have an interest in a safe approach to tumour cell destruction, however in all of these patients the approach is fundamentally palliative. Our results have been encouraging leading to relevant conclusions outlined in the last section of this paper. Over the past three years our clinic (The Dove Clinic for Integrated Medicine) has treated over 80 patients, the Opal Clinic has treated slightly less, and Dr Wang in Guangzhou has treated more than this number. This paper is not a formal clinical trial, it is a preliminary report. I therefore thought it best to discuss five cases fairly typical of the kind of cases on which we use this palliative approach. The use of our novel approach centres around the development of a specific sensitizer (Sonalux 1) this is a highly purified mixture of several chlorins, each with a different side chain. This agent has been shown to break down at 636 nanometres and also to be sensitive to ultrasound.
